Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Art Group: Eleven Artists for November

Eleven members of The Art Group will be showing their work in North Conway, New Hampshire at the Mount Washington Valley Arts Association Art Center. Call MWVAA for more information and business hours: 603-356-2728.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Willowbrook Wine Tasting

Poster design by Art Group member Peggy Brewster.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Art at the Gafney Throughout July

Our fearless leader, Peter Abate, has outdone himself this year in organizing the Art at the Gafney fundraiser! Over 100 works of art by area artists are now on display.

Participating artists include: Peter Abate, Madelyn Albee, George Bent, George Blomster, Marion Blomster, Roy Blomster, Chris Bozuwa, Peggy Brewster, Joyce Carnevale, Keith Carnevale, Kevin Carnevale, Colina Cummings, Martina Cyr, Robert DeMario, Kiara DeMontier, Mable Doyle, Ken Eason, Bill Fein, Ron Fountain, J. P. Goodwin, Bob Gordon, Beverly Grant, David Haldeman, Daydre Hamilton, Ron Harrison, Beth Hoffer, Anne Hodge, Charles Kartsonis, Sharon Lee, Arlene Leyare, Anne Lively, Nahdia Lorden, Joy Loud, Anita Muise, Mikel O'Brien, Norma Panall, Shawn Pelech, Leia Pinnick, Dawn Rancourt, Giannina Reilly, Norman Royle, Suze Shaw, Gabe Smith, Diana Spaulding, Sharon Theiling, Frank Troiani, Sher Viles, Lukas K. Weber, Ruth Willet, and Joyce Youngerberg.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer 2010 Art at the Gafney

We have 50 artists participating this year for the annual fundraiser for the Gafney Library so be sure to visit the library during the month of July and take a chance on winning your favorite!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Handcrafted Items from Recycled and Vintage Materials

Art Group member Dawn Rancourt will display her work at the Wakefield Marketplace this season under the name Aspen's Way. She is pictured above with Aspen and Ava. Here is Dawn's story about how Aspen's Way came to be:

Aspen and Ava arrived at Bright Hope Farm just about the time that my hair fell out. It was a muggy evening at about 9 p.m. I watched as the car pulled up into the driveway. My husband opened the door and Aspen leapt into my arms, knocking me on to the ground with the intent of applying multiple kisses. He and Ava were a distraction from my sorrow and the light I needed to walk me through another doorway where a new life began.

Throughout each and every chemo treatment, I toted this pink suitcase on wheels, full of projects to do while I was sitting in a recliner for up to three or four hours at a time. The doctors and nurses kept photographs of my dogs at their desks and even on their refrigerators at home; Aspen and Ava brought a little happiness into their lives as well.

Having HER2 breast cancer is not being "sick". It's a life altering experience. I've had plenty of opportunity to sit and think, plan projects while in an unsettled state of sleep and bully my way through limitations I never wanted to have. All of these projects were created with loved ones in mind and most were either hand-sewn, knitted or painted.

During this three year period of time, I've stock piled a mountain of sweet memories and a room full of vintage materials, donated to me from friends I'd met along the way. Being part of the Art Group allowed me to feel inclusive and to rebuild some of that self-esteem that I'd lost. There is nothing worse than loosing your hair and feeling like an outcast from community.

The items you'll see at Aspen's Way represent all of this and more. Most of the materials are recycled and/or vintage. The fabrics are 80% vintage. The clothing worn by the jointed, stuffed bears will be hand-sewn and vintage as well.

Aspen's Way is nostalgic of the path I began three years ago and with my participation in the Marketplace this year, will offer encouragement to my brothers and sisters struggling as I did and still do to an extent.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Member News

Art Group member Peggy Brewster will be busy this month! Check out her photography at these two New England events.

Friday, February 5, 2010

For February at Gafney Library

Here's a report from The Art Group's leader, Peter Abate about the February 2010 show at the Gafney Library on High Street in Sanbornville, New Hampshire:

Down at the Gafney Library in February we truly have something special going on. Our current exhibit of photographs by Berri Kramer of Maine, are a sample of her photographs she takes on her visits to South Africa helping to improve the lives of woman and children. She also works with children who have been orphaned due to AIDS, children who are running households with no parents. If you get a chance to visit the library this month you will be moved by the scenes she has captured and amazed at the work she does. On display are her book and related post cards. Berri also works with the Heartwood College of Art in Kennebunk. Pictured below is Berri holding her book followed by a brief description of her work related to this show. Please watch for the write up in the local papers.

There are few vehicles on the roads in Greytown, South Africa. Women carry wood and children haul water. There is silence and beauty that keeps you in the moment, but there is no escape from the hard reality of life in the third world.

I visit St. Mary’s Hospital every time I return to South Africa. In the palliative care ward I take photographs of loved ones and give them copies as soon as I’m able to get them printed. For many, it is the only photograph they will ever have to pass on to their families.

The women of Jabulani welcome me into their lives as if I have never been gone. I work in their sewing rooms and bake bread with them just to spend time in their presence. They are sisters in another world. Our language is in our eyes. Their strength and gracefulness have humble me everyday since I met them.

Kennebunk Portside Rotary partnered with Play Pumps of South Africa to bring water to three schools in Greytown. This was made possible with a matching grant from Rotary International. The students were so excited the day the bore holes were dug, they had to call school off for the rest of the day. These Pumps will serve over 2000 children and their families. The reliability of clean water is not only a huge health benefit, but allows girls to go to school, rather than fetch water all day. It is incredible to think that such a contribution could so dramatically change the way of life for so many people.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Celtic Visions

The photographs of Peggy Brewster will be on display in Newburyport, Mass. through the month of February. Don't miss this show titled: Celtic Visions: Images of Ireland and Scotland. For more information contact Mable Doyle at the Bartlett Galleree at 978-463-3666.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Turquoise and Coral for Spring!

Shawn Pelech's new business card features the hot colors for 2010.